Section 63 of CSSA : Section 63: Payment Of Maternity Benefit In Case Of Death Of A Woman

The Code on Social Security, 2020

Bare Act


Section 63: If a woman entitled to maternity benefit or any other amount under this Chapter, dies before receiving such maternity benefit or amount, or where the employer is liable for maternity benefit under the second proviso to sub-section (3) of section 60, the employer shall pay such benefit or amount to the person nominated by the woman in the notice given under section 62 and in case there is no such nominee, to her legal representative.

Simplified Act

Simple Explanation of Section 63: If a woman who should receive maternity benefits or any other related payments passes away before getting them, or if the employer must pay maternity benefits according to specific rules in section 60, the employer must give these benefits or payments to the person the woman chose (nominated) to rece...

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