Section 49 of SMA : Section 49: Correction Of Errors

The Special Marriage Act, 1954

Bare Act


(1) Any Marriage Officer who discovers any error in the form or substance of any entry in the Marriage Certificate Book may, within one month next after the discovery of such error, in the presence of the persons married or, in case of their death or absence, in the presence of two other credible witnesses, correct the error by entry in the margin without any alteration of the original entry and shall sign the marginal entry and add thereto the date of such correction and the Marriage Officer shall make the like marginal entry in the certificate thereof.

(2) ...

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Simplified Act

(1) If a Marriage Officer finds a mistake in the details of a marriage recorded in the official Marriage Certificate Book, they can fix it within a month after noticing the error. This is done by writing the correct information on the side (in the margin) of the entry without changing the original record. This correction must be done while the married couple is there, or if they have die...

Explanation using Example

Imagine a couple, Aarav and Maya, who had a court marriage under the Special Marriage Act. After receiving their marriage certificate, they notice that Maya's birth date is incorrectly entered as May 15, 1990, instead of the correct date, May 25, 1990. They report this to the Marriage Officer who officiated their marriage.

Within a month of this discovery, the Marriage Officer schedules a meeting in his office. Since Aarav and Maya are available, they both appear before the officer. In the presence of ...

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