Section 47 of SMA : Section 47: Marriage Certificate Book To Be Open To Inspection

The Special Marriage Act, 1954

Bare Act


(1) The Marriage Certificate Book kept under this Act shall at all reasonable times be open for inspection and shall be admissible as evidence of the statements therein contained.

(2) Certified extracts from the Marriage Certificate Book shall, on application, be given by the Marriage Officer to the applicant on payment by him of the prescribed fee.

Simplified Act

(1) The official record of marriages (Marriage Certificate Book) under this law can be checked by anyone at reasonable times. What's written in this record can be used as proof in court or other legal matters.

(2) If you as...

Explanation using Example

Imagine a couple, John and Priya, who got married under The Special Marriage Act, 1954. A few years later, they need to prove their marital status to apply for a joint home loan. They visit the office of the Marriage Officer where their marriage was registered. Under Section 47(1), they are allowed to inspect the Marriage Certificate Book during office hours to check their marriage entry. This record is also accepted as legal evidence of their marriage.

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