Section 11 of SMA : Section 11: Declaration By Parties And Witnesses
The Special Marriage Act, 1954
Bare Act
Before the marriage is solemnized the parties and three witnesses shall, in the presence of the Marriage Officer, sign a declaration in the form specified in the Third Schedule to this Act, and the declaration shall be countersigned by the Marriage Officer.
Simplified Act
Before the actual wedding ceremony, the couple getting married and three people who will witness the marriage must sign a written statement. This must be done while they are all together with the official who will conduct the marriage. The form t...
Explanation using Example
Imagine a couple, Rita and Alex, who come from different religious backgrounds and want to get married under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. They approach the Marriage Officer in their district to register their marriage. Before their marriage ceremony, both Rita and Alex, along with three friends they have chosen as witnesses, go to the Marriage Officer's office. There, they all sign a d...