Section 14 of OEA : Section 14: Transfers And Bequests To Taluqdars Or Heirs

The Oudh Estates Act, 1869

    If any Taluqdár or Grantee shall theretofore have transferred or bequeathed, or if any Taluqdár or Grantee, or his heir or legatee, shall hereafter transfer or bequeath, the whole or any portion of his estate to another Taluqdár or Grantee, or to such younger son as is referred to in section thirteen, clause two, or to a person who would have succeeded according to the provisions of this Act to the estate or to a portion thereof if the transferor or testator had died without having made the transfer and i...

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    Simplified Act

    If a Taluqdár or Grantee has already given away or left in a will, or if a Taluqdár or Grantee, or their heir or beneficiary, gives away or leaves in a will in the future, the whole ...

    Explanation using Example

    Imagine a scenario where Mr. A, a Taluqdár under The Oudh Estates Act, 1869, decides to gift a portion of his estate to his younger son, Mr. B, who is not the pr...

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