Section 152 of MVA : Section 152: Duty To Give Information As To Insurance

The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988

Bare Act


Duty to give information as to insurance No person against whom a claim is made in respect of any liability referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 147 shall, on demand by or on behalf of the person making the claim, refuse to state whether or not he was insured in respect of that liability by any policy issued under the provisions of this Chapter, or would have been so insured if the insurer had not avoided or cancelled the policy, nor shall he refuse, if he was or would have been so insured, to give such particulars with respect to that policy as were specified in the certificate of insurance issued in respect thereof. In the event of any person becoming insolvent or making an arrangement with his creditors or in the event of an order being made for the administration of the estate of a deceased person according to the law of insolvency, or in the event of a winding-up order being made or a resolution for a voluntary winding-up being passed with respect to any company or of a receiver or manager of the company's business or undertaking being duly appointed or of possession being taken by or on behalf of the holders of any debentures secured by a floating charge on any property comprised in or subject to the charge, it shall be the duty of the insolvent debtor, personal representative of the deceased debtor or company, as the case may be, or the official assignee or receiver in insolvency, trustee, liquidator, receiver or manager, or person in possession of the property to give, on the request of any person claiming that the insolvent debtor, deceased debtor or company is under such liability to him as is covered by the provision of this Chapter, such information as may reaso...

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Simplified Act

Understanding Your Obligation to Share Insurance Information If someone makes a claim against you because of an accident or some other event that your vehicle was involved in, and they ask if you have insurance coverage for that event, you must tell them. You also have to provide details about your insurance poli...

Explanation using Example

Example of Section 152 of The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 in Use: Imagine a scenario where John is involved in a car accident with Alice. Alice's car is damaged, and she believes John is at fault. Alice decides to make a claim against John for the damages to her ...

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