Section 70A of ITA, 2000 : Section 70A: National Nodal Agency

The Information Technology Act, 2000

Bare Act


70A National nodal agency

  1. The Central Government may, by notification published in the Official Gazette, designate any organisation of the Government as the national nodal agency in respect of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection
  2. The national nodal agency designated under sub-section (1) shall be responsible for all measur...

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Explanation of Section 70A of The Information Technology Act, 2000

  • The Indian government has the power to appoint a government organization to be in charge of protecting important computer systems and networks that are essential for th...

Explanation using Example

Let's consider a hypothetical situation. Suppose there is a significant rise in cyber attacks targeting the nation's critical information infrastructure, such as power grids, water supply systems, and communication networks. To address this, under Section 70A of The Information Technology Act, 2000, the Central Government decides to desig...

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