Section 6A of ITA, 2000 : Section 6A: Delivery Of Services By Service Provider

The Information Technology Act, 2000

Bare Act


6A Delivery of services by service provider - (1) The appropriate Government may, for the purposes of this Chapter and for efficient delivery of services to the public through electronic means authorise, by order, any service provider to set up, maintain and upgrade the computerised facilities and perform such other services as it may specify, by notification in the Official Gazette. Explanation - For the purposes of this section, service provider so authorised includes any individual, private agency, private company, partnership firm, sole proprietor firm or any such other body or agency which has been granted permission by the appropriate Government to offer services through electronic means in accordance with the policy governing such service sector.

(2) The appropriate Government may also authorise any service provider authorised under sub-section (1) to collect, retain and appropriate such service charges, as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government for the purpose of providing such services, from the person availing such service.

(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), the appropriate Government may authorise the service providers to collect, retain and appropriate service charges under this section notwithstanding the fact that there is no express provision under the Act, rule, regulation or notification under which the service is provided to collect, retain and appropriate e-service charges by the service providers.

(4) The appropriate Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify the scale of service charges which may be charged and collected by the service providers under this section: Provided that the appropriate Government may specify different scale of service charges for different types of services.

Simplified Act

Simple Explanation of Section 6A of The Information Technology Act, 2000

6A Delivery of services by service provider

  • Part 1: The government can give permission to certain service providers to create and manage digital facilities. These providers can also be asked to perform additional services as mentioned in an official government publication. A 'service provider' can be anyone or any organization that is allowed by the government to offer electronic services according to the rules of that service sector.
  • Part 2: The government can allow these authorized service providers to charge fees for th...

Explanation using Example

Imagine a scenario where the Government of India wants to provide a more efficient system for its citizens to apply for passports. Under Section 6A of The Information Technology Act, 2000, the government can authorize a private company like Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to set up and maintain an online portal for passport applications.

This online portal would allow citizens to fill out their passport applications, submit necessary documents, and even pay the passport application fees. The government can allow TCS to collect and retain a certain service charge from each applicant for providing this service. This service char...

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