Section 22 of ITA, 2000 : Section 22: Application For Licence

The Information Technology Act, 2000

Bare Act


(1) Every application for issue of a licence shall be in such form as may be prescribed by the Central Government.

(2) Every application for issue of a licence shall be accompanied by –

  • (a) a certification practice statement;
  • (b) a statement including the procedures with respect to identification of the applicant;
  • (c) payment of such fees, not exceeding twenty - five thousand rupees as may be prescribed by the Central Government;
  • (d) such other documents, as may be prescribed by the Central Government.

Simplified Act

(1) If you want to get a license, you must fill out the application form that the Indian government says to use.

(2) When you apply for a license, you need to provide the following things:

  • (a) A document that describes how you will certify digital signatures;
  • (b) A document that explains...

Explanation using Example

Let's consider a hypothetical scenario where Mr. Raj wants to start a business that involves providing digital signatures. As per the Information Technology Act, 2000, he would need to apply for a license to become a Certifying Authority (CA) for digital signatures.

According to Section 22(1), Mr. Raj's application for this license must be in a form that the Central Government prescribes.

Further, as per Section 22(2), his application must be accompanied by:

  • (a) a certification practice statement, whi...

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