Section 67C of ITA, 2000 : Section 67C: Preservation And Retention Of Information By Intermediaries

The Information Technology Act, 2000

Bare Act


(1) Intermediary shall preserve and retain such information as may be specified for such duration and in such manner and format as the Central Government may prescribe.

(2) Any intermediary who intentionally or knowingly contravenes the provisions of sub-section (1) shall be punished with an imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and also be liable to fine.

Simplified Act

(1) A service provider that facilitates online communication, storage, or processing of data (called an "intermediary") must keep and save certain pieces of information. The specific details about what information to keep, how long to keep it, and in what format will be decided and instructed by the Indi...

Explanation using Example

Let's consider a hypothetical scenario to understand this better. Suppose John operates a social media platform, which makes him an 'intermediary' as per the IT Act. The Central Government issues a directive requiring all such platforms to retain user data for a period of 2 years. However, John decides to delete all user data af...

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