Section 38 of ITA, 2000 : Section 38: Revocation Of Digital Signature Certificate
The Information Technology Act, 2000
Bare Act
(1) A Certifying Authority may revoke a Digital Signature Certificate issued by it: (a) where the subscriber or any other person authorised by him makes a request to that effect; (b) upon the death of the subscriber; (c) upon the dissolution of the firm or winding up of the company where the subscriber is a firm or a company. (2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) and without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (1), a Certifying Authority may revoke a Digital Signature Certificate which has been issued by it at any time, if it is of opinion that: (a) a material fact represented in the Digital Signature Certificate is false or has been concealed; (b) a requirement for issuance of the Digital Signature Certificate was not satisfied; (c) the Certifying Authority's private key or ...
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Simplified Act
Simplified Explanation: (1) A company that issues digital certificates (known as a Certifying Authority) can cancel a digital certificate if: (a) the certificate holder, or someone they allow, asks for it to be cancelled; (b) the certificate holder passes away; ...
Explanation using Example
Let's consider a hypothetical scenario. Imagine Mr. John Doe, who is the owner of a company 'ABC Corp.' He has a Digital Signature Certificate issued by a Certifying Authority, 'XYZ Certificates'. One day, Mr. Doe...