Rule 19 of CPC : Rule 19: No witness to be ordered to attend in person unless resident within certain limits.
The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908
Bare Act
No one shall be ordered to attend in person to give evidence unless he resides - (a) within the local limits of the Court's ordinary jurisdiction, or (b) without such limits but at a place less than one hundred or (where there is railway or steamer communication or other established public conveyance for five-sixths of the distance between the place where he resides and the place whe...
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Simplified Act
No one will be required to show up in person to give evidence unless they live: (a) within the area where the Court us...
Explanation using Example
Example 1: Ravi lives in Mumbai and is a key witness in a civil case being heard in the Mumbai City Civil Court. Since Ravi resides within the local limits of the court's ordinary jurisdiction, the court can order him to attend in person to give his testimony. Example 2: Priya lives in Pune, which is approximately 150 kilometers away from Mumbai. She is a crucial witness...