Article 49 of CoI : Article 49: Protection Of Monuments, Places, And Objects Of National Importance

Constitution Of India Old

Bare Act


Article 49: It shall be the obligation of the state to protect every monument, place, or object of artistic or historic interest, declared by or under a law made by Parliament to be of national importance, from spoliation, disfigurement, destruction, removal, disposal, or export, as the case may be.

Simplified Act

Article 49 Simplified: The government has a duty to safeguard all landmarks, areas, or items that are considered artistically or historically valuable and are recognized by national law as important. This includ...

Explanation using Example

Imagine the government of India has declared an ancient fort as a monument of national importance. According to Article 49 of the Constitution of India, it is the government's duty to ensure that this fort is protected from damage and vandalism. If a company plans to build a highway near the fort and this construction threatens to damage the structure...

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